Self Love is the Best Love: 17 Ways to Love Yourself & Be Confident

Do you feel you are unworthy of love? Do you lack any courage to show up and feel empty inside? Tired of caring for others and forgetting to love yourself? Or the worst, all your tears may have dried up, yet you have all the scars on you? 

How about practicing THE SELF LOVE? We won’t say it is a smooth ride, but it is worthy enough to overcome the battles and wounds. Don’t let your insecurities work against you.

While you will work on yourself, you will see the light in yourself coming out of the darkness. But how to love yourself and be confident? Here are the 17 proven ways to self love affirmations and become a better version of yourself.

1) Let your body speak for yourself

Start by taking baby steps! It is easy to modify how you start perceiving yourself, making it simpler to love yourself. Make a few minor adjustments like standing up taller, keeping your shoulders square, holding your chin up, and smiling as much as possible. No, you don’t have to pretend in affirmation for self love. Let your senses smile.

2) Compliment Yourself

Set a goal to compliment yourself each day. It doesn’t require a lot! How about going to the mirror and saying self love words? “You look energetic and beautiful too!” or “You are one of the most confident and happy folks.” 😉

3) Practice Affirmations for self love

Yes, self love affirmations actually work. You can level up your confidence in the way you talk to yourself. Say, “I deserve all the love and happiness” and “Good things are coming to me.” Visualize your success and dreams. These self love words will create a positive vibe around you.

4) Eat well.

What you consume has a significant impact on your mental wellness. Do you sit and feel ashamed of yourself? These things affect physically and psychologically too.

Be kind to yourself. Life is too short to waste feeling bad about what you ate. Get rid of the dietary limitations, and eat normally. Your body will appreciate it. It is one of the best self love activities.

5) Chase your Hobby

Take a hobby and devote more time to a passion or activity you enjoy. Whatever self love activities you decide, taking action will teach you to love yourself by demonstrating your abilities and boosting your self-confidence.

6) Journaling

How about penning down your thoughts? It is true we can’t say everything we feel to people around us. Writing down your emotions and how you feel in a self love journal will ease the process. It will enhance the practice of loving yourself and will give you direction in life.

7) Try something out of the box

How about a solo trip? Or playing with colors on the drawing pad or by joining a music club, or changing the way you dress. By stepping beyond your comfort zone, you create chances to surpass your own expectations. You’ll push yourself to learn something new while forcing yourself to face certain anxiety. Self love activities may enable you to overcome insecurities.

8) Reading books about self love

Books are indeed an excellent way to delve deeper into ourselves and question, “Is it what we want?” Best self love books will provide a wider perspective toward a happy life. It will direct you to a cheerful version of yourself!

9) Celebrate tiny wins

Whether they are large or small, celebrate your accomplishments. Praise yourself for your successes and be proud of yourself. It is a beautiful way to accept and love oneself. Celebrating your life’s accomplishments could keep you motivated.

10) List down good things about you

No, you are not being cheesy at all! Pen down all your best qualities and victories. It will show you how good and blessed you are. Self love journal will help you to control your emotions on a bad day. Creating this practice might help you learn to accept who you are, even though it might be challenging initially.

11) Self love Meditation

Daily, set aside some time to ease your head. Inhale and exhale deeply, and clear your mind of all thoughts. To be more conscious, try self love meditation.

Be conscious of your desires, feelings, and thoughts. Live a life that reflects. By implementing mindfulness techniques into your routine, you can incorporate self-reflection.

12) Think Positive

Take a mug of coffee and think again. What are your morals and integrity? Who are you? Get clear about your beliefs, the type of person you want to be, and how you want to live. Remember that everything positive in your life depends on you realizing your own worth and beauty.

Try to accept the things and enjoy who you are right now. These self love activities are the first step toward all of your life’s triumphs, including love, acceptance, and happiness.

13) It’s time to forgive yourself

Do you remember when you did anything that made you feel bad about yourself, embarrassed, or ashamed? It’s time to let that go. Even while you can’t undo what you’ve already done, you can impact what happens in the future.


Think of forgiving as a learning opportunity and believe in your ability to improve. Be kind to yourself as you would be kind to someone else if they were flawed.

14) Let go of toxicity

Let it go if it is people or situations interfering with self-love. They shouldn’t be there if something in your life makes you feel less than great. You can take some time to analyze but cut that string off once you do. 

Prioritizing yourself without harming anyone isn’t being selfish. Make sure you overcome the negative impact on your life. You should not surround yourself with those that don’t support you.

15) Be Proud of yourself

And why not? You have been through a lot and endured so much. If you won’t be proud of yourself, who else will? If you want to learn to accept yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and learn to love who you are as a person.

16) Surround Yourself with good people

One of the best self love activities is to choose who you spend time with. Don’t take it casually. The mere fact that you have been friends does not require you to continue hanging out together. If there’s no one, be your own hero!

Now when you know how to love yourself and be confident, let’s dive further. There are certain things you must avoid in affirmation for self love. 

17) Be honest to yourself

This one may be more challenging than other self love activities. Some of us are so skilled at deception that we don’t even realize it. Honesty is one of the essential aspects of all relationships, including your relationship with yourself.

You should be honest with yourself about your emotions. Don’t lie or make any excuses to neglect self love.

Things to Avoid While Practicing Self Love Activities

1) Comparing Yourself

Self-love is killed by comparison. And when it comes to comparisons, we can be hard on ourselves. Recognize that you are the one who writes your tale. It doesn’t matter how well you understand someone; you cannot compare your life to theirs.

2) Trying to control everything

Don’t try to control everything in life. Instead, concentrate on how you react to it. Do your best, and the universe will take care of other things. Everything resolves itself in the end. Try affirmation for self love to overcome this.

3) Being too tough on yourself

Your thoughts are not always accurate. Being harsh on yourself is one of the main things that keep you from liking yourself. You can practice self love words or self love activities.

4) Asking for approval from others to love yourself

You can love yourself without needing other people’s approval. Find your happy place and heal yourself.

5) Overthinking

It leads to billions of insecurities and trillions of unwanted problems. It is one of the biggest barriers to affirmation for self love.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques 1: What is self love?

Ans:There is no such Self love definition, it is an attitude of respecting and accepting who you are as a person. Some elements of your existence are personality, physiology, talents, emotions, and defects. You recognize your own value and think you deserve to live the best life you can choose for yourself.

You don’t have to think you’re perfect to believe you’re deserving of love. Even though you may want to make specific changes, do not allow the shortcomings to make you feel inferior or, even worse, hate yourself. Be the best version of yourself while feeling a sense of pride and happiness within.

Ques 2: How to practice self love?

Ans: These are some of the ways to practice self love

  1. Start by meditating and eating healthy. You can practice self love activities and surround yourself with good people.
  2. Drag out your inner child and enjoy the tiniest moments of your life.
  3. Start believing that you are worthy enough.

Ques 3: How to love yourself again?

Ans: Some of the ways to fall in love with yourself again:

  1. Think about the bigger picture of yourself.
  2. List down the failures and achievements.
  3. You can read self love books for women.
  4. See how far you have come regardless of your battles.
  5. Accept who you are and live happily.

If you have any questions regarding how to love yourself and be confident, do let us know in the comments!

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