Best 8 Yoga in Pregnancy For A Strong Healthy Body

Best Yoga in Pregnancy

Pregnancy yoga provides a much-needed opportunity to slow down and connect with your baby and body as it changes in our fast-paced world. It’s a spiritual and physical discipline that has its origins in Indian culture. 

Look no further if you plan to be in shape and do what is best for you and your child while pregnant. We have listed eight pregnancy yoga exercises to ease your motherhood. Before that, we will brief you on prenatal yoga and its benefits.

What is prenatal yoga?

It is a form of yoga that is specifically tailored for pregnant women. It brings emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual elements into harmony. In all stages of pregnancy, it focuses on calming the body and focusing on safe practices and poses to help you prepare for childbirth. 

Benefits of yoga during Pregnancy

Yoga has emotional and physical benefits that might help you feel better during pregnancy. You’ll gain awareness, which will help you be aware of the changes in your body and mind.

  • It reduces anxiety levels in pregnant women.
  • Yoga can help you feel more revitalized by reducing exhaustion and improving sleep.
  • Pregnancy yoga increases your strength and endurance, preparing you for the challenges of pregnancy and delivery.
  • Yoga practice may help mothers achieve a normal birth weight, increase their babies’ Apgar score, and have an easier labor.
  • Yoga during pregnancy also improves circulation, which helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, particularly in the joints.
  • Body awareness can assist you in becoming more aware of your actions. You’ll strengthen your spine, which will help you maintain good posture and carry your baby’s weight. 
  • You’ll gain balance and stability as you learn to adjust as your center of gravity shifts.

Let’s Practice These 8 Pregnancy Yoga Exercises

1) Bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana)

This asana helps you open your hips and thighs wider for easier birthing. It lowers body tiredness, relieves knee discomfort, and assists with aching or swollen feet.

How to perform it: 

  • Sit down on your mat, and your legs should be straight out in front of you. 
  • Now, try to bring your heels closer to your pelvis by bending your knees. Lower your knees as far as they will go sidewards. 
  • Simply try to relax as much as possible your thighs and hips.
  • Draw in your heels as much as possible with your thighs to the sides. 
  • The soles of your feet should rub against each other. 
  • Then, grab each foot’s big toe with your hands.

2) Cat-cow pose (Marjaryasana Bitilasana)

It eases back and shoulder pain reduces tummy pressure, and opens up the hips. The cat-cow pose helps you get ready for back labor, which can happen during delivery.

How to perform the pose:

It is divided into two parts: the cat and the cow.

Your hands should be straight and your shoulders directly above your wrists as you get down on all fours. Your thighs should be straight between your hips and knees.

First, begin with the cow pose.

  • Start by lowering your abdominal button, lifting your buttocks, and raising your head. 
  • Create a downward curve from your head to your butt. 
  • While doing so, take a deep breath in.

Now, do the cat pose.

  • After a few seconds of holding, exhale as you produce an upwards curve. 
  • Draw in your stomach while elevating your back and lowering your head to look inwardly at your abdomen. 

3) Easy pose (Sukhasana)

This prenatal yoga pose is a more meditative position. Sukhasana relaxes the mind and aids in the reduction of tension and anxiety. Pregnancy yoga exercises help lower back discomfort and open up the hips.

How to perform it: 

  • Sit on a yoga mat with your shins crossed. 
  • Under the opposite leg, the soles of your feet should be facing outwards. With your crossed shins forming a sort of straight line, your legs should form a triangle.
  • When you place your hands on your knees, your palms might face up or down.

4) Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

This pregnancy yoga eases back and shoulder pain and tummy pressure and widens hips. Warrior 2 also prepares your body for back labor, which can happen during delivery.

It strengthens your entire body, promotes circulation, and expands your hips. Yoga during pregnancy helps to alleviate neck and back pain. You can play with your center of gravity as you position your body in this stance.

How to perform it:

  • Step your left foot back and slightly turn your toes out to the left from a standing position.
  • Align the inside of the left leg with the right.
  • To face the side, open your hips.
  • Raise your arms parallel to the ground.
  • Bend your right knee, but don’t let it go past your ankle.
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  • Examine your index and middle fingers in front of you.

5) Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

It helps to expand the hips, which is beneficial during labor. This yoga practice strengthens the thighs, knees, ankles, arms, and chest. Prenatal Yoga also aids in the digestion of the mother-to-be. The hips, hamstrings, and groins are all stretched and opened in this asana. You can even practice trikonasana after delivery.

How to do it:

  • Start by spreading your feet wide apart.
  • Inhale now and stretch your arms up to the height of your shoulders from the sides. Maintain a straight line with your arms without bending at the elbows.
  • Then exhale and rotate your right foot 90 degrees while rotating your left foot 45 degrees.
  • Stand tall as you inhale, then bend sideways from the waist and hold your right shin with your right hand as you exhale. 
  • Stretch your left arm towards the ceiling.

6) Mountain Pose (Tadasana )

It is an excellent yoga in preganancy for expecting mothers. This asana strengthens the thighs and legs while improving blood circulation and posture. Yoga practice can also help with back problems.

How to perform it:

  • Place your feet width apart.
  • Your spine should be straight while standing, your hands should be close to your body, and your palms should face your thighs.
  • Now make the ‘Namaskar Mudra’ with your hands.
  • Inhale deeply. Now, you should raise your hands above your head, straightening your spine.
  • Stretch your back and lean back in your chair so you can see your fingertips.

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7) Yoga Squat (Malasana)

Malasana Yoga during pregnancy aids in the widening of the pelvis, making labor easier.

How to perform it:

  • Start by sitting on the mat with your legs spreading out in front of you.
  • Once at a time, try to bend your knees upwards.
  •  Bring your foot near your butts. 
  • The distance between your knees should be somewhat greater than the width of your shoulders.
  • Raise your buttocks slowly.
  • Shift your weight to your feet.

8) Corpse Pose (Shavasana) 

People usually perform this asana at the end of yoga practice. Relax your mind and body with ‘Shavasana’ after a tough pregnant yoga exercise.

How to do it:

  • Lie down on your back on a yoga mat with your legs apart in a comfortable position. 
  • You can do this prenatal yoga after the first trimester by reclining on one side of your back.

Now, we will answer some of the questions that overwhelm the yoga pregnant woman.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1: Is it safe for me to attempt yoga for the first time while pregnant?

Ans: Yoga is very safe and will not hurt your health. You can start pregnancy yoga even if you have never tried it. However, if this is your first time, start with simple exercises and don’t overwork yourself.

Ques2: What should I wear during prenatal yoga?

Ans: While practicing yoga, you should consider these things:

  1. Wear loose, comfortable clothing when doing yoga during pregnancy.
  2. While performing yoga during pregnancy, your clothing should not disrupt the flow of your workout.
  3. Wear clothing that allows you to stretch easily.

Ques3: When should I begin practicing prenatal yoga?

Ans: Generally, it is safe to do yoga practice for the first time while pregnant. You can start in the second trimester if it is your first time. In the second trimester, your body will go through a lot of changes, and yoga can help you cope with them.

Ques4: When will I be able to begin post-delivery yoga?

Ans: If you had a normal (vaginal) delivery, you should wait until the bleeding stops and then begin after 2–4 weeks. 

In case of a cesarean section (C section), you will have to wait longer for your body to heal. You should usually wait around six weeks before beginning postnatal yoga. 

Note: Consult a doctor before practicing yoga after delivery.

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